Living wall of local biodiversity

This indigenous vertical garden also referred to as a living wall of local biodiversity, is entirely south facing and shaded. The featured plants were selected to suit the shady aspect and to attract insects and birds. The photographs below were taken when the vertical garden was about a year old. The different species flower at different times of the year, so there will always be some flowers to attract wildlife.

living wall section

This living wall has an unusual choice of mostly locally indigenous species that blend together well. The plants attract hawkmoths, solitary bees, honeybees, wasps, and several butterflies. Common butterflies seen visiting the living wall are Garden Acraea and Brown-veined Whites. Carpenter bees visit the flowers of Chlorophytum bowkeri (Bowker’s Chlorophytum) which does well in a vertical garden.

Flower crab spider

The plants were sourced from Random Harvest Nursery and Wildflower Wholesale Nursery. Read more about the plants used in this living wall on the Random Harvest Nursery blog.

Flower crab spider

Here a Flower Crab Spider hides in the yellow petals of a star flower Hypoxis hemerocallidea . The star flower does well in full sun and semi-shade and brightens up a living wall and the edges of streams and wetlands. This Flower Crab Spider is a camouflage queen! These little spiders can change their colour to perfectly match the flower they wait on to pounce on prey. Their favourite colours for camouflage are yellow, white and pink. The pink colour is particularly attractive. After catching the caterpillar and starting to devour it, she got all excited about a visiting bee and tried to grab hold of it as well. Hungry girl!

View the other eco gardens recently created here.

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