Some of my publications

My publications include an array of scientific papers, scientific reports, book chapters, popular articles, field guides and pamphlets. A few are featured here, contact me if you are interested in a comprehensive list.

Tokura, W., Jack, S.L., Anderson, T. & Hoffman, M.T., 2018. Long-term variability in vegetation productivity in relation to rainfall, herbivory and fire in Tswalu Kalahari Reserve, Koedoe 60(1), a1473. koedoe.v60i1.1473. 

Anderson, TA. & Anderson, M.D. 2017. Man’s impact on Flamingos. In: Flamingos: Behaviour, Biology, and Relationship with Humans. Editor: M.J. Anderson.  Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-53610-236-9.   

Weatherproof fold-out guides to 100 trees, shrubs, aloes and wild flowers of the Kalahari and Eastern Karoo. Available from the McGregor Museum botany department. 

Lesser Flamingo Baby Boom, African Birdlife, January/February 2018.

Anderson, T.A. (Ed.). 1998. Hidden Splendour: a guide to the natural history of the Kalahari and surrounds.  Northern Cape Branch of the Wildlife & Environment Society.  80 pp.

Anderson, T.A. 2001. The plantaholic’s hotspot guide:  Witsand Nature Reserve, Northern Cape. Plantlife 25:14-15.

Anderson, T.A. 2005. Plant diversity of a Bushmanland inselberg: should Gamsberg be mined? Masters Degree, University of Free State.

Anderson, T.A. 2007. Botanical exploration to biodiversity conservation. In: Hart, R. (ed.). Chapters from the past: 100 years of the McGregor Museum 1907-2007. McGregor Museum, Kimberley.

Anderson, T.A. & Anderson, M.D. 2007. Will we save the Kathu forest ecosystem?  African Wildlife 61 (1):32-33.

Anderson, T.A. 2009. The forest in the Kalahari. Plantlife 37 & 38:32-37.

Anderson, M.D. & Anderson, T.A. 2010. A breeding island for lesser flamingos Phoeniconaias minor at Kamfers Dam, Kimberley, South Africa. Bulletin of the African Bird Club September, 225–228.

Anderson, M.D., Anderson, T.A. & McCulloch, G. 2011. Breeding and ringing reports: Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus East & Southern Africa. Flamingo, Bulletin of the Flamingo Specialist Group, No. 18:1.

Anderson, M.D., Anderson, T.A. & McCulloch, G. 2011. Breeding and ringing reports: Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor East Africa & Southern Africa. Flamingo, Bulletin of the Flamingo Specialist Group, No. 18:1.

Dean, W.R.J., Anderson, M.D., Milton, S.J. & Anderson, T.A.   2002. Avian assemblages in native Acacia and alien Prosopis drainage line woodland in the Kalahari, South Africa.  Journal of Arid Environments 51:1-19.

Marnewick, M.D., Retief, E.F., Theron, N.T., Wright, D.R. & Anderson, T.A. 2015. Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas of South Africa. Johannesburg, BirdLife South Africa.  

Read, C., Tarboton, W.R., Davies, G.B.P., Anderson, M.D. & Anderson, T.A. 2014. An annotated checklist of birds of the Vilanculos Coastal Wildlife Sanctuary, Southern Mozambique. Ornithological Observations Vol. 5:370-408.

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