Ecological surveys

  • Kalahari
    The Birdy Botanist

I undertake ecological surveys with an emphasis on rare and threatened species. Or, if needed, more intensive botanical surveys mapping sensitive and threatened habitats and ecosystems, and plant species of conservation concern. 

Knowledge and insight gleaned from 30 years of fieldwork are combined with academic research to provide a high level of service. Ecological and botanical specialist studies have been conducted since 1995 to raise funds for research whilst employed at the McGregor Museum in Kimberley, Northern Cape.  Specialist studies in the field and desk-top studies have ranged from assessing the impacts of the development or expansion of mines, quarries, commercial developments and renewable energy facilities to planning biodiversity offsets and conducting biodiversity surveys for conservation areas.

I have been consulting as a free-lance ecologist since 2013. Collaborations include joining forces with Rob Simmons, Marlei Martins and Stephanie Dippenaar of Birds & Bats Unlimited and many other environmental consultancies. 

Selected projects

2005 – 2019Advocacy – Reviews of EIAs (pro bono). Various ReviewerNGOs – WESSA Northern Cape Region & BirdLife South Africa.
2017Fuel station – EIA fuel station Windsorton, Northern Cape.ThornveldEcological specialistFox Corporate Services.
2016Wind farm – Mulilo De Aar 2 Wind Energy Facility  quarry sites EIA, Philipstown, Northern Cape.Eastern KarooBotanical specialistTLB consulting.
2016 – 2019Flamingos –  breeding island project, Free State. GrasslandSpecialist advisorHarmony Gold.
2015Commercial –    Multi-purpose development project EIA,  Kuruman, Northern Cape.KalahariEcological specialistFox Corporate Services.
2014Biodiversity – 19 assessments of 19 Important Bird and Biodiversity areas for the IBA Directory, South Africa.Kalahari, Karoo, Grassland.Ecological specialist & directory co-author.BirdLife South Africa.
2014Mining –  Swartberg Mine Project EIA Ecological Assessment, Aggeneys, Northern Cape.Bushmanland KarooReviewerParsons Brinckerhoff.
2014Mining – COZA Iron Ore Mine EIA, Postmasburg, Northern Cape.Nama KarooBotanical specialistSynergistics Environmental Services.
2013Ornithological survey – Vilanculos Coastal Wildlife Sanctuary, Mozambique.Coastal woodland and estuarySurvey team member & co-authorSantuario Bravio de Vilanculos Lda.
2013Protected plant species survey – Black Rock Mine, Hotazel, Northern Cape.KalahariBotanical specialistGeo-Consult International.
2013Powerline – Groblershoop Garona power line project EIA, Northern Cape.Upper KarooBotanical specialistESKOM
2012Solar array – Mainstream Bocluso Solar Energy Project, Keimoes, Northern Cape.Upper KarooBotanical specialistCSIR Consulting Services.
2012Solar array – Mainstream Douglas Solar Energy Project, Douglas, Northern Cape.KarooBotanical specialistCSIR Consulting Services.
2011Mining – Gravenhage Manganese Project, Hotazel.KalahariBotanical specialistSynergistics Environmental Services.
2010Solar array -Copperton Solar Energy Facility Basic Assessment, Northern Cape.KarooBotanical specialistDJ Consulting.
2010, 2004, 2002Mining – Kolomela Mine projects EIAs, Postmasburg, Northern Cape.Thornveld savannaBotanical specialistSynergistics Environmental Services.
2009Powerline -Schmidtsdrif 132kV power line project, Northern Cape.Shrubveld savannaBotanical specialistESKOM
2008 – 2011Mining – 11 EIA projects for Sishen Iron Ore Mine expansions, Kathu, Northern Cape.KalahariBotanical specialistSynergistics Environmental Services.
2007Railway – New rail link   Postmasburg to Sishen -Saldanha line, Northern Cape.ThornveldBotanical specialistSynergistics Environmental Services.
2007Airfield –  Kathu, Northern Cape.Kalahari woodlandBotanical specialistKumba Resources.
2007Protection of the Kathu camel thorn forest, Northern Cape.Kalahari woodlandBotanical specialistWESSA:NC region.
2006Biodiversity Assessment –  two potential protected areas, North West Province.ThornveldEcological specialistNorth West Parks.
2006Survey of alien invasives – Ulco Mine, Northern Cape.ThornveldBotanical specialistUlco Cement (Holcim).
2004Strategic Environmental Assessment – Kgalagadi District Municipality.Kalahari and ThornveldBotanical specialistKgalagadi District Municipality.
2003Mining – Sishen Iron Ore Mine EIA, Northern Cape.Kalahari and ThornveldBotanical specialistWSP Walmsley.
2003Heritage Site – Taung Skull World Heritage Site Nomination.Thornveld and shrubveldBotanical specialistBapela, Cave & Klapwijk Landscape Architects.
2000Mining – Gamsberg Project EIA, Aggeneys, Northern Cape.Bushmanland KarooBotanical specialistAnglo Base Metals, Anglo American.

Pri Sci Nat (reg. no 116472) registered professional in ecological sciences.